27–30 May 2025
Facultad de Matemática y Computación
America/Havana timezone



Second Announcement

17th International Conference

on Operations Research


Havana (Cuba)

May 27– May 30  2025


Organized by

Universidad de La Habana

Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne



Sociedad Cubana de Matemática y Computación

Asociación Cubana de Investigación Operacional

Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigación Operativa


Aims of the Conference

The ICOR promotes the exchange of experiences about applications of OR and com­puting issues for the management of big data analysis for the sustainable socio-economic development and human welfare. We foster contributions on theoretical results on mathematical methods, management of  big data and business intelligence related to human health, environment enterprise development and regional development. Experiences on OR education, for strengthening capabilities in the application and cross-fertilization between different topics of the conference, are welcome.

The 17th ICOR will feature a special section on Mechanics, organized by Xiaoqing Jin, Feodor Borodich, and Reinaldo Rodríguez-Ramos. This section will delve into critical open problems  regarding the behavior and properties of materials under various conditions. The contributions are aimed to explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has reshaped this field. In particular, research will focus on how the synergy between materials mechanics and operations research enhances decision-making processes, optimizes resource allocation, and improves the efficiency of engineering projects.

We invite researchers to organize special sessions devoted to one specific topics or to the application of different approaches to a particular problem.


The Conference covers contributions on:

·     Artificial Intelligence & Decision Making

·     Mathematical Economics

·     Multicriteria Decision Making

·     Bioinformatics

·     Numerical Analysis

·     Biomathematics

·     Optimization

·     Business Intelligence

·     Operations Research Applications

·     Big Data

·     Block Chain

·     Cryptography Applications

·     Management Sciences

·     Operations Research Education

·     Probability and Statistics

·     Transport and Logistics






Organizing Committee

Wilfredo Morales Lezca (Dean, Facultad de Matemática y Computación), Celia González González, Yanet Garcia Serrano, Genry Pérez Díaz.


Program Committee

S. Allende  [Chair, Havana], Y. Almeida, A. Alonso Ayuso [Madrid], D. Aussel [Perpignan], M.L. Baguer [Havana], J. M. Bardet [Paris 1], G. Bouza [Havana], A. Celisse [Paris 1], M. Cottrell [Chair, Paris 1], J. Cochran [Alabama], A. Fernández [Havana] J. Daduna [Berlin], J. F. García [Villa Hermosa], A. Gutterman [Moscow], C. Hardouin, [Paris Ouest Nanterre], D. Haughton [Boston], R. Kalid [Bahía], A. Marrero [Havana], J. Miranda [Santiago de Chile], R.. Miranda [Cienfuegos], M. Olteanu [Paris-Dauphine], B. Oviedo [Quevedo], L. M. Plà [Lleida], J. Rynkiewicz [Paris 1], A. Ruiz [Havana], , Ch. Tammer [Halle], J. Tejada [Madrid]. Sandoval [Puebla], J. M. Sautto [Acapulco], V. Sistachs [Havana], J.L. Verdegay [Granada],  B. A. Wickström [Budapest]

Submission of Abstracts and Papers

Reviewed versions of full papers presented at the conference could be submitted  to the journal Investigación Operacional with no additional cost.

Important Dates

Deadlines for abstracts March 10 , 2025 

Information about acceptance of the presentation: April 12, 2025.

Registration and Oppening May 26, 2025.

Closing ceremony May 30, 2025. 


General Information

Prof. Dr. Sira Allende Alonso

Fac. Matemática y Computación 

Universidad de La Habana     



Prof Dr. Marie Cottrell 

SAMM Université Paris 1





If you prefer, you can send your registration form and abstract to sira@matcom.uh.cu, sira.allende@gmail.com 

Registration fees

Participants Category Before 25/04/2025

 Before 10/05/25


Academics 3500 CUP 4000 CUP
Students 1200 CUP 1500 CUP
Foreigns Academics 180 USD 200 USD
Students 90 USD 100 USD
Companions 72 USD 80 USD


 For foreigners, please go to CONVENCIÓN CIENTÍFICA INTERNACIONAL SABER UH 2025 - Cubaforevents for the payment of the fees.



Facultad de Matemática y Computación
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Application for this event is currently open.