30 de mayo de 2023 a 2 de junio de 2023 Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y Ténicas
Facultad de Matemática y Computación
America/Havana zona horaria

Curve Fitting for pandemic data using Generalized Logistic Regression

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Facultad de Matemática y Computación

Facultad de Matemática y Computación


Mario Villalobos Arias (CIMPA and Escuela de Matemática, Universidad de Costa Rica Escuela de Matemática, Universidad de Costa Rica)


In this work, a proposal is presented for the estimation of populations using generalized logistic curve fitting. These types of curves are used to study population growth, in this case population of people infected by the Covid-19 virus; and it can also be used to approximate the survival curve used in actuarial and similar studies. The resulting model could also be used to approximate daily cases and other data related to the pandemic, such as the number of hospitalized and ICU cases. In addition, an adjustment method for the detection of second and subsequent waves is also proposed. Examples are presented for some Latin American countries.

Keywrods: COVID-19; nonlinear regression; Logistic regression; curve fitting; trends; forecast.

Autor primario

Mario Villalobos Arias (CIMPA and Escuela de Matemática, Universidad de Costa Rica Escuela de Matemática, Universidad de Costa Rica)

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