26–30 de mayo de 2023 Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y Ténicas
Quinta de los Molinos
America/Havana zona horaria

Recovery of metal compounds for water treatment applications and circular economy

No programado
Centro Demostrativo de Energía Renovables (Quinta de los Molinos)

Centro Demostrativo de Energía Renovables

Quinta de los Molinos

Avenida Salvador Allende y Luaces
Conferencia invitada RECOPHARMA Taller RECOPHARMA


Martina Sanadar (University of Udine, Italy)


Water pollution caused by heavy metals and metalloids, due to their wide use in various industries and technologies, poses a significant threat to both human health and the natural environment [1]. It is a pressing ecological problem that requires immediate attention. Moreover, in the context of circular economy management, recycling and recovery of metals-based waste as valuable products are gaining attention due to the high cost and depletion of natural resources [2]. As part of one of our projects, we explored the elimination and retrieval of metal contaminants from wastewater by gaining a thorough understanding of their remediation mechanisms [3]. It is important to prioritize the complete retrieval of metal pollutants in multiple reusable forms, particularly as solid precipitates known as metal-based high value-added products. This approach is a highly effective tool that significantly improves the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of remediation processes. Additionally, we have identified potential research avenues for future work in this area, as raw materials are crucial for current and future technologies required to attain sustainable development objectives outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda. It is worth noting that magnets, which are secondary solid wastes, contain a substantial amount of rare earth elements ready to be recycled [4-5].

[1] Y. Roque-Diaz; et al. Processes; 2021; 9; 1873.
[2] A. Abidli; et al. Chemosphere; 2022; 292; 133102.
[3] R. Lombana-Fraguela; et al. Processes; 2022; 11; 472.
[4] M. A. Recai Önal; et al. Green Chem.; 2020; 22, 2821.
[5] X. Li; et al. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.; 2019; 7; 2578.

Autor primario

Martina Sanadar (University of Udine, Italy)

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