26–30 de mayo de 2023 Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y Ténicas
Quinta de los Molinos
America/Havana zona horaria

Structural and microestructural characterization of Titanium – base Aluminium alloys

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Centro Demostrativo de Energía Renovables (Quinta de los Molinos)

Centro Demostrativo de Energía Renovables

Quinta de los Molinos

Avenida Salvador Allende y Luaces
Poster Caracterización y Procesamiento de Materiales Materiales para la sostenibilidad y aplicaciones medioambientales


Dr. Arbelio Pentón Madrigal (Facultad de Fisica. Universidad de La Habana) Beatriz Concepcion Rosabal (IMRE-Universidad de La Habana)


The structural and microstructural characterization by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) of the aluminum-titanium alloys (AlxTi3-x, 0.5 ≤ x≤ 0.20) is presented. The analysis showed the occurrence of an order-disorder phase transition in the studied compositional range. The presence of a minor fcc phase within the hcp matrix of the AlTi3 alloy showed evidence of the presence of stacking faults. The probability of occurrence of this type of defect depends on the chemical composition and on the distance between atomic layers (order parameter). The microstructural analysis using the Warren-Averbach and Williamson-Hall methods shows that a decrease of Al content not only decreases the probability of occurrence of planar defects but also leads to a decrease in the average crystallite size and to an increase of the average non uniform microstrain value in the alloy. Deformation defects (α) predominate in this type of alloy.

Autores primarios

Dr. Arbelio Pentón Madrigal (Facultad de Fisica. Universidad de La Habana) Beatriz Concepcion Rosabal (IMRE-Universidad de La Habana)


Admilson Dos Santos Branco (Universidad de La Habana) Dr. Luiz Augusto S de Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Brazil)

Materiales de la presentación

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