Although they were well established two decades earlier, Ion Beams Analysis (IBA) methods for the characterization of materials were not applied at the University of Havana until 1995. In 1996, thin layers of: a) Ge/glass and Ni/glass, b) CdS/glass and c) Cu/Ni/Si obtained by flash-evaporation, CBD, and Electroless, respectively, in laboratories of the IMRE-Physics Faculty, were analyzed by RBS at the IFUNAM accelerator laboratory. Earliest results were presented during First Ibero-American Symposium on Nanostructures and III WONP-I NURT in 1997 and were included in a master thesis in 1998. Since 1996 to 2022, different types thin layer and heterostructures such as Cu/Ni3P1/Si, Ge/glass, Ni/glass, CdS/glass, PbS/glass, TiOx/ITO/glass, TiOx/FTO/glass, SiOx/Si, MFe12O19, TiO2–CuO, CdTe/AsGa, ZnTe/AsGa, Cd1-xZnxTe/AsGa, InxGa1-x/Si, and N-GaN/AlN/Si(111) grown by different methods and also ceramics (KNN, PZT), zeolites and marine sediments were characterized by several IBA methods using ion accelerators in laboratories of Mexico (IFUNAM), Brazil (DptoFis/PUC-Rio, LAMFI/USP), IF/UFRGS), Spain (Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materiales, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,) and Russia (EG-5/FLNP/JINR), The support of national and international institutions such as CONACYT, CLAF, CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, Comunidad de Madrid, JINR, CITMA and MES were decisive. The above described investigations were extremely useful to develop sample growth and characterization methods. Main results were published in specialized journals and books, and presented at national and international scientific conferences. Simultaneously, IBA methods application contributed to bachelor, master and PhD theses. IBA methods were also an important part of graduate courses and contributed to several awards.