Eduardo Canales(1), Ingrid Hernández(1), Javier L. Dalmendray(1), Osmany Guirola(2), Mayra Rodríguez(1), Orlando Borrás-Hidalgo(1), Yunior López(1) and Meilyn Rodríguez(1).
(1) Plant Functional Genomics Group, Direction of Agricultural Biotechnology, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Havana, Cuba.
(2) Bioinformatics Group, Department of Systems Biology, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Havana, Cuba.
Plants have several defense mechanisms against pathogens. Among these, local and systemic resistance is triggered by recognition of pathogen´s patterns and elicitors. In this sense, many investigations are focused to search plants resistance through the applications of elicitor compounds as an alternative for crop protection. Some approach to control citrus diseases caused by bacteria applying this strategy are informed.
Within this group of elicitors, the role of brassinosteroids (BR) is described. They are essential steroidal compounds in the growth, development and stress tolerance of plants and used as part of commercial formulations to improve agricultural yields. In our previous research, we demonstrated that exogenous application of 24-epibrasinolide (eBL), derived from the most active BR, increases the immune response in plants and induces the expression of defense-related genes.
This work described the role of four new synthetic compounds (SC), with structural characteristics directly related to receptor recognition and biological activity of BR. Also, they are able to activate plants signaling pathways related to immune response, such as, salicylic acid, ethylene and jasmonic acid. Finally, the results suggest the use of synthetic compounds as alternative to enhance plant immunity to control citrus greening or other citrus diseases.