30 de mayo de 2023 a 1 de junio de 2023 Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y Ténicas
America/Havana zona horaria

Phage display of the serine protease inhibitor CmPI-II

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Tamara Menéndez Medina (Universidad de La Habana)


The main function of protease inhibitors is to prevent undesirable proteolysis. CmPI-II is a 50 amino-acids-long serine protease inhibitor isolated from the marine snail Cenchritis muricatus. It is a tight binding inhibitor of trypsin (Ki = 1.1 nmol/ L), human neutrophil elastase (Ki = 2.6 nmol/ L), subtilisin A (Ki = 30.8 nmol/L) and porcine pancreatic elastase (Ki = 145 nmol/L). It belongs to the Kazal family and due to the novel topology of one of its disulfide bridges, it defined the group 3 within the non-classical inhibitors. This molecule represents an exception in terms of specificity due to its ability to strongly inhibit elastases and trypsin. Therefore, the study of its structure-function relationship is of interest. The construction of combinatorial libraries of protease inhibitor mutants, displayed on filamentous phages, is a very useful technique for studying structure-function relationships. The process begins with functional phage display of the wild-type inhibitor. In the present work, CmPI-II was phage displayed fused to the phage coat protein PIII. In ELISA experiments, the ability of CmPI-II, displayed on phage, to bind trypsin and pancreatic elastase was demonstrated. Future work is directed to evaluate the reactivity with HNE and subtilisin A, and to design and construct a combinatorial library containing CmPI-II mutants, to isolate those able to selectively bind the target proteases. These results will provide information on the relative importance of CmPI-II residues for binding to each target enzyme.

Autores primarios

Tamara Menéndez Medina (Universidad de La Habana) Sr. Mario A. Rodríguez (Centro de Estudio de Proteínas, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de la Habana) Laritza Rojas Pérez Dr. Aymara Cabrera-muñoz (Centro de Estudio de Proteínas, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de La Habana) Maday Alonso del Rivero (Centro de Estudio de Proteínas, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de La Habana) Dr. Gertrudis Rojas (Centro de Inmunología Molecular, Calle 216 esquina 15, Atabey, Playa, La Habana)

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