30 de mayo de 2023 a 1 de junio de 2023 Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas
America/Havana zona horaria

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry: Creating a Transformational Learning with the Interdisciplinary Experience Based on the Shrimp Culture.

No programado


Prof. Amilcar Arenal Cruz


Fields such as biochemistry, computational biology, bioinformatics, and chemistry need interaction between sciences. Often students are confused regarding their future, as they are not conscious of the applicative side of their chosen discipline. Furthermore, undergraduate and postgraduate students encounter frequent gaps in their knowledge because of the lack of coordination and interaction between disciplines. The shrimp culture in Cuba offers all the opportunities for interdisciplinarity in the field of biochemistry. The aim of the present study is to illustrate the need for Biochemistry correlation with molecular biology, molecular genetics, nutrition, chemistry, and computing based on a case study of shrimp culture. The implications of this type of innovative experience for the teaching-learning process of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology students are discussed. Genetic characterization of the shrimp brings to the molecular genetics all the interactions needed with nuclei acids sequences, statistical analysis, and phenotypes. Diet evaluation looks for aquaculture with sustainability principles and their impact on the lives of organisms. Metabolome and microbial community analysis make a holistic comprehension of biochemistry, molecular biology, and the organisms in the environment. The shrimp culture in Cuba of these disciplines improves the skills related to Processes of Science, Communication, and Comprehension of Science, and Community of Practice Aspects of Science. The conclusion is that interdisciplinary learning cannot be taken for granted in course designs, and only if issues of interdisciplinary learning are specifically addressed, and it can be considered a pedagogical approach in higher education. Moreover, industries like shrimp culture can foster Biochemistry and Molecular Biology course.

Autores primarios

Prof. Amilcar Arenal Cruz Prof. Georgina Espinosa López (Facultad de Biología Universidad de la Habana) Prof. Olimpia Carrillo Farnes Prof. Yudania Correa Simon

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