The current research explores Civil Defense Department employees' perceptions on work‐life balance. For the purpose of this research, data was quantitatively collected by using a survey and statistically analyzing data. The survey was developed and distributed to a simple random sample of about 200 employees who work for Civil Defense Department. The total returned surveys was 179. Data from the surveys were tabulated and analyzed by using both descriptive and analytical statistical techniques available at SPSS.
Results of data analysis revealed that Civil Defense Department employees perceive work-life balance somewhat positively. Employees positively perceive awareness of work-life balance, prioritizing and valuing work-life balance, support for work-life balance, and enactment of work-life balance. Concluding that they are overall satisfied with work-life balance, and find no serious barriers to balance work-life at Civil Defense Department. Regarding differences and variances in perceptions of work-life balance due to employee demographic variables (nature of work, work experience, educational qualifications, social status, children, age, and nationality) it was found that employee demographic variables effect their perceptions of work-life balance. It was also found that employee demographic factors explain 14.7% of the variances in in perceptions of work-life balance. The other percentage (85.3%) is explained by other factors.